Kelleys Island Park District and Recreation Board
Community Park Playground is OPEN
There are still some finishing components to be completed, but the playground equipment is available for use. The playground equipment was created to be used for toddlers through age 12. The equipment and surrounding area were designed to provide an inclusive play area that is ADA handicapped accessible.
The Park District and Recreation Board is extremely thankful for the generous financial support of the many foundations and individuals that have gotten us this far in the project.
The following list of foundations, associations and private donors was extremely instrumental in getting us this far.
Lake Erie Shores and Islands
Kelleys Island Landowners Association
The Mylander Association
Kelleys Island Community Association
The Palladino Family
Karen M. Hoy
Ordnance Technology Service, Inc/Jeff and Kerry Allenby
Randolph J. and Estelle M. Dorn Foundation
Erie County Community Foundation
Sidney Frohman Foundation
Erie MetroParks
Kelleys Island Wine Co
Kelleys Island Chamber of Commerce
Kelleys Island Community Chest
The Park District and Recreation Board is also very grateful for the many individual donations received from members of the Kelleys Island community.
The remaining components, of fencing, benches and landscaping are anticipated to be completed by mid-August.
When visiting and enjoying the playground please be responsible and children should always be supervised. We also ask that pets not be brought into the playground area and please do not park in or near the designated fire lane.
THE GOAL of the Kelleys Island Park District Recreation Board is to conserve, protect, and enhance the natural and historical open spaces of the island as well as recreation facilities for residents and visitors to enjoy in a responsible, sustainable manner.
OUR MISSION To provide quality, healthy outdoor experiences for residents and visitors to parks, playgrounds and preserves; conserve and protect unique natural areas for educational experiences including rare geological features, botanical specimens, historical areas and cultural areas; conserve essential habitat for wildlife; cooperate with all stakeholders having similar objectives. (Adopted 9-18-19)
OUR AUTHORITY The Village of Kelleys Island Park District and Recreation Board is a volunteer advisory board established by Ord. 480, and codified as 96.30 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD § 96.30 DUTIES. (A) There is hereby established a Village Park District Recreation Board for the village, which shall supervise and maintain parks, playgrounds, playfields, and other recreational facilities within the village. (B) The Village Park District Recreation Board may equip, develop, operate and maintain such recreational facilities and may, for the purpose of doing so, receive and expend funds and grants, employ play leaders, recreation directors, supervisors, superintendents or any other officers or employees and may procure and pay all or any part of the cost of a policy or policies insuring such officers and employees against liability on account of damage or injury to persons or property arising from the performance of their official duties. (Ord. 480, passed 2-18-88) The Board consults with and makes recommendations to Village Council, the Mayor, and the Village Administrator regarding the Parks and Recreation policies for the planning, development, conservation and use of the island’s park and recreational facilities.
YOUR PARK BOARD MEMBERS The Board is a five-member citizen advisory board, serving five-year terms, rotating on a yearly basis so as to maintain and encourage new ideas. The Board is composed of three members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by Village Council, and two members appointed by the Kelleys Island School Board. The present Kelleys Island Park Board has made tremendous progress in organizing the board, researching projects and planning for future upgrades to the island parks and recreational spaces.
Park Board Officers:
President: Marvin Robinson – Term End 2027
Vice President: Lisa M Klonaris – Term End 2026
Secretary: Robby Zettler – Term End 2024
Treasurer: Julie Thomas – Term End 2025
Social Media: Tom Pieratt – Term End 202
The Board invites anyone interested, to attend the scheduled meetings and become involved in the planning of the tentative projects. The Park Board is open to input and ideas. The more people that can be involved in the form of committees and/or resources the more successful the Board will be in attaining the projected goals.
HOW CAN YOU SHARE YOUR IDEAS? Complete a Project Request Form, which can be obtained at the Village Office and submit to the Village Office or any Park Board Member. The Park Board will then review the request at the next scheduled meeting. If the request receives approval, the Park Board will present the request to the Lands and Buildings Committee, then on to Village Council for final approval.
FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK – Kelleys Island Park Committee