Health & Wellness


If you need medical assistance or an ambulance, call 911.

Their dispatch system is remarkably fast and efficient and, of course, time is of the essence in health care.

Our Paramedic and EMS squad can often asses non-emergency issues at the EMS station, located behind Kelley’s Hall. You can contact our Paramedic at 419-503-2508. Remember, if this is an emergency, please dial 911 for a faster, more efficient response.

Emergency Medical Needs

Trained EMS volunteers, provide prompt, efficient and caring response to island emergencies via Island-based ambulances.

The EMS squad works in conjunction with mainland ambulance and hospital systems for injuries or illnesses requiring more advanced medical attention. Our EMS squad participates in regular training and each volunteer has fully up to date credentials. Some of our volunteers are also certified in pediatric care and other specialty areas.

Life Flight connects patients in medical emergencies to mainland hospitals year-round, weather permitting.


A medical clinic operated by the Erie County Health Services  is open to the public on selected Fridays year-round, weather permitting ferry operations or flights.  Please call 419-626-5623 x109) for updated information, or visit their website ERIE COUNTY HEALTH DEPT.

The Erie County Health Dept. has been successful in securing grant funding for the Golias House, next to the Village office, for the development of a Community Health Center. Read the letter for details on this project Golias-Health-Ctr-Grant

The Village of Kelleys Island
121 Addison St., Kelleys Island OH 43438

The official site of the Village of Kelleys Island Ohio